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Patersons Terrace... Robust grasshopper fence... Braided river bird monitoring... Native fish protection... Weed control... Predator study... Malte Brun trial site... Mountains as barriers... Fence trial site... Glenmore Station Lizard and invertebrate monitoring...

Patersons Terrace...

A trial to eliminate rabbits, hedgehogs and ferrets from a low country site.
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Robust grasshopper fence...

Could this be the world’s only fenced predator-free enclosure for an insect?
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Braided river bird monitoring...

How are braided river birds like kakī, banded dotterel and wrybills doing?
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Native fish protection...

Fork Stream project

A rūnaka project at Fork Stream to protect native fish from invasive species
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Weed control...

We are controlling weeds like rowan, broom and cotoneaster before they become another wilding pine problem
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Predator study...

Hedgehogs at 2000m? This is just one of the fascinating findings from our research about invasive pests and their seasonal movements
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Malte Brun trial site...

Can we eliminate stoats from this alpine site and use mountains and glaciers to stop reinvasion?
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Mountains as barriers...

We are conducting research into how natural barriers like mountains and glaciers can stop predator reinvasion
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Fence trial site...

Different fence designs are being tested in these harsh alpine conditions
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Glenmore Station

The project is working with Glenmore Station to eliminate five introduced pests
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Lizard and invertebrate monitoring...

Studying skinks, geckos, wētā and grasshoppers – which ones live here and how are they doing?
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