Our people

Julia Gibson

Acting project manager

Julia has stepped into the project manager role while Simone Smits is on maternity leave.   When she first joined the project Julia primarily monitored species so we could judge how our predator control helped their survival. You would often find her in the braided river beds looking for nesting banded dotterells/tūturiwhatu, black-fronted terns/‎tarapirohe or black billed gulls/tarāpuka.

Julia has a BSc in psychology, ecology and biodiversity, and a Masters in Conservation Biology from Victoria University.

Prior to joining Te Manahuna Aoraki Project Julia worked for three years with the orange-fronted parakeet/kākāriki karaka recovery team.  These birds are very rare and only found in beech forests around Arthur’s Pass and Lake Sumner and she says she is enjoying working in braided rivers after her time in the forest.

Julia says it’s a privilege to work in the stunning landscapes of the project area, and she is excited about the work ahead.

Our board

Dr Jan Wright
Devon McLean
John Henry
John Henry
Rūnaka Director
Julia Mackenzie
Julia Mackenzie
Jo McPherson
Department of Conservation senior liaison officer
James Holborow
James Holborow
LINZ representative
Rynee de Garnham
Rynee de Garnham
Rūnaka observer
Stephen Phillipson
NZ Defence Force representative
Peter Scott
Environment Canterbury observer